Last updated 14th March 2022

Privacy Policy

1. What information we collect about you

Information you provide to us

  • We only collect information about you that is provided to user by yourself or an administrator within MOAS.
  • This information is either provided to us when: you create an account; create or modify your profile; or update your personal settings.
  • Information in file format pertaining to you as a user can only be uploaded, edited, or deleted by yourself.
  • Information in file format pertaining to your organisation can only be uploaded, edited, or deleted by an administrator of MOAS.
  • Personal information you provide to us through support channels is only used in communication with you. Any information pertaining to MOAS for the purposes you are seeking support may be used by us to further assist you and may be stored and used by our internal team to identify areas of support within the product.
  • MOAS uses a cookie based authorisation protocol that allows us to identify users using our system based on contact information you have provided to us by yourself or your organisation. These cookies are not used for tracking and advertising purposes and none such cookies are used by our application.

2. How we use information we collect

  • All information provided to us through MOAS is used to provide services to you as a user. This includes authentication, customer support, and to operate, maintain, and improve the services.
  • We use your contact information to communicate with you about the services. This includes changing password, creating an account, updates to the system, and responding or communicating about a support request from you as a user or your organisation.

3. How we share information we collect

  • Internally we use your information when dealing with system enhancements or monitoring and are able to see your information you have provided us.
  • Your information is used for collaborative purposes within MOAS and other users are made aware your first and last name on communications or after you have edited items in MOAS. This is intended as a service as users can then ask the editor about the information they have added or edited in MOAS.
  • Administrators of MOAS are able to see you email address, first name, last name, role (as a user within MOAS), and position (at your organisation).
  • Your information may be shared with our service provider in case of a recovery or disaster management process. This will be conducted under strict instruction and supervision by our developers only in the event that this is required. Security and confidentiality procedures will be followed in the event that our service provider requires access to your information in order to protect your data and information.

4. How we store and secure information we collect

  • We use industry standard and best practices measures in order to secure the information we store about you and your organisation.
  • All data is encrypted at rest and in transit to provide constant protection of your information.
  • While we follow and uphold industry standards and best practices, we cannot guarantee that you information is safe from intrusion by others due to the nature of the internet.
  • We keep information for so long as your account is active and for a reasonable period thereafter. Information your organisation has provided about you will remain for as long as the organisation account is active so MOAS can provide it’s services to the organisation, this includes but is not limited to the collaborative features outlined in “How we share information we collect”.

5. How to access and control your information

  • So long as you have an active account with MOAS you can freely access your data and control your information yourself by editing or deleting it using our services.
  • Should you require access to your information at any time you are able to contact us, through the Contact US section of this webpage, and request that your information be edited or deleted.
  • You are able to contact us and request a full transcript of your information which we will freely provide to you.